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We give you the confidence to live life fully

Women's Health and Aesthetics
in the comfort of your home

Transform Your Beauty from the Inside Out


Approximately 50% of women experience dryness, leaking urine.

Studies show leaking & dripping significantly decrease a woman's quality of life. 

Women often give up activities that bring them joy-dancing, exercise while also trying not to laugh or sneeze.


In addition to causing painful sex, vaginal dryness and atrophy combined with weakening pelvic floor muscles can  allow organ prolapse, a condition where the bladder, uterus, and intestines drop down into the vagina.

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Women who have experienced childbirth, menopause, pelvic surgeries, and cancer are all at high risk for leaking urine and painful sex. 

But you don't need to accept that as your new normal

Vaginal Rejuvenation with the INMODE EMPOWER is here.

Pelvic floor treatments that were previously limited to surgery can now be treated with little to no downtime.

ReJen Aesthetics can provide the treatments in the comfort of your home.

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